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Once you place your order we will send you an order confirmation email. When your order has shipped we will send you a dispatch email to confirm that your package has left our warehouse.
If you have not received your order confirmation email, please Contact Us.
Once your package has left our distribution center, we will send you a dispatch email.
The email will contain the tracking information of your package
You can choose to create an account before placing an order. Alternatively you can choose to check out as a guest.
Creating an account is easy and you'll receive great benefits such as
If you sign up to our newsletter, you will also receive updates on the latest arrivals and have access to online exclusive promotions and offers.
Adding a product to your shopping basket does not reserve it or guarantee its availability. Due to popular demand, some products may go out of stock before you confirm your purchase despite being available when you added them to your shopping basket.
Generally speaking, you can change your order information within 12 hours after paid. Once processing started, we cannot change it for you. Hope for your understanding.
The promotional code must be registered at the time of purchase by entering your claim code into the “promo code” box on the shopping basket page. Your basket contents and value will be recalculated to account for your promotion.
You can only use one discount/promo code per order. This applies to our free delivery codes too.
If you have forgotten to apply your promotional code, please Contact Us and we will be more than happy to add it for you.
If this happens, please contact us by email. Our email address is 邮箱. Then we will check it in our other stores for you.
All our products come with a 30 days manufacturer’s guarantee, protecting you from any defect or problem that may occur within the first 30 days of purchase. This guarantee only applies if the product has been used for its intended purpose and excludes damage caused by accident, neglect or wear and tear. If you have any questions about our product guarantee, please Contact Us and we’ll be happy to help.
Once an order is placed, you will receive an order number and a confirmation email with your order summary.
We’ll email you a link with your tracking information once your parcel has left our warehouse.
You will need to Contact Us in order for us to check with the carrier. Please remember to quote your order number in any correspondence.
If you have a problem with our delivery, please Contact Us and we’ll be able to look into this for you.